Tips...story help...drawing lessons...more! XD
Writing Stories
Everybody has a potential story inside them! If you're thinking of writing one, then don't put it off any longer. Think up the plot, characters (I love thinking up characters! :D), and then start writing! You don't have to think up much before you start, as it will unravel as you go along. Good luck! :)
Writing Stories
Everybody has a potential story inside them! If you're thinking of writing one, then don't put it off any longer. Think up the plot, characters (I love thinking up characters! :D), and then start writing! You don't have to think up much before you start, as it will unravel as you go along. Good luck! :)
A Few Writing Tips...
The title is important. It must be something which makes the reader want to turn the page and read. You can't make it to long and confusing, it has to be something catchy, easy to remember, and nice. Like Fern's Quest (don't pinch!); it's catchy, it has both the name of the main character and what goes on in the book in it, but it still leaves you with some suspense anyway.
If you begin your story with a lot of rambling and not getting to what's actually going on, then readers might just put down the book and leave it to age on a shelf without going past the first page. If it is an adventure mystery than it's good to start it something like "That day had been a peaceful one" (for instance). Then the reader knows something's going to happen, and keeps glued to it. Also, a prologue has to be somewhere else or a long time before what's happening in chapter one. I've seen stories when there's a prologue which just starts "A young man walked along to board the ship" and that's what the story's about. That should have been chapter one.
You shouldn't write a story like this:
Hello said Jane. Hello Jill replied
It would have to be like this:
'Hello,' said Jane.
'Hello,' Jill replied.
The differences are that what Jill's saying has to be on another line from what Jane's saying. And you need to use speech marks. Some people do "Hello, I'm Jane," others do 'Hello, I'm Jane,'. Both are quite fine and correct, so it doesn't matter which you do. Also, you can't do:
'Hello.' said Jane.
You can do:
'Hello,' said Jane.
'Hello.' Jane waved her hands.
To make your writing interesting, you have to use synonyms (different words with the same meaning). For instance,
Bob's drawing was excellent. Bill's was also excellent.
A better way of putting that would be:
Bob's drawing was excellent. Bill's was also brilliant.
Another example is the use of "said". A lot of people think they have to find other words to use instead of "said" to make their writing interesting. This is not altogether true. It is quite fine to use "said" when the person is just saying something like 'I like reading', but when they're saying something in a particular way it's good to add more detail. Example:
'Ugh, I hate this sauce,' said Jill.
Ought to be:
'Ugh, I hate this sauce,' complained Jill.
Or a word with a similar meaning to "complained".
'Help!' said Peter.
Ought to be:
'Help!' yelled Peter.
Or a word with a similar meaning to "yelled".
'How lovely the weather is,' said Mary.
Could have been:
'How lovely the weather is,' remarked Mary.
Or a word with a similar meaning to "remarked".
'Please pass the sugar,' said Charles.
Ought to be:
'Please pass the sugar,' requested Charles.
Or a word with a similar meaning to "requested".
One of my biggest peeves is when people write something like:
'What's your favourite colour?' said John.
It ought to have been "asked", "enquired", "questioned", "quizzed", "wanted to know" or goodness knows what!
Here is something I wrote on suspension points.
This is about suspension points, otherwise known as "dot, dot, dots". (I think of them as "dot, dot, dots".)
Anyway, I learnt today that:
1. All dot, dot, dots go together, not a space apart.
2. When they're finishing a sentence, you put a full stop or an exclamation mark or a question mark after them.
"'Hmm...I know!' said Jill" is an example of when the dot, dot, dots don't end the sentence and "'Hmm....' said Jill. 'I know!'" is an example of when the dot, dot, dots do end the sentence (so "hmm...." is one sentence), so there are four of them.
If this makes any sense...
Well-written, or well-done, or well-made, etc, should always be written with a hypen. A lot of people don't. Here are some other examples of things which often aren't written with a hyphen but should be:
And so forth. No one is often written with a hypen, but without is more traditional. :)
A colon ( : ) is used to indicate something else, example:
She replied: 'Oh yes.'
This is the word: MOO
They were just totally random examples ^.^ A comma ( , ) is used for a short pause, example:
Leaves fall in autumn, don't they?
My friend, Jasmine, loves cheese.
A Few Names...
Are you looking for a few names for characters/places in your story? I have a few ideas :3 Comment if you use any of these, as it won't do to have millions of people with the same names in their story.
Coming up with place names is quite simple - you can just muddle up other ones, such as Rushlake Green could be changed to Greenrush Lake. You can also get a surname, and just add "ton" or "ville" to the end of it, such as Harrisfordsville or Marleyton. If you would like a few ideas to get you started, here are a few ^.^
For a peaceful village or town in England or somewhere...
Lower Ashdown (of course there could also be Upper Ashdown)
St. Agnes's Hill
For more of a fantasy-typed place...
For ordinary everyday firstnames and surnames, you could look at the credits at the end of a film, and pinch some of those. ;) You will find some quite original ones there too. It's a good idea to muddle up the firstnames and surnames though, for instance if the film is giving credit to someone called Sarah Carrisford and someone called Michael Parker and you want to use those names in your story, you should change it to Michael Carrisford and Sarah Parker.
Also, you can go to a baby names website and use some of the names on there. Here are some links to good baby names websites. It's great if you can get a name with a meaning that corresponds to your character, so I'll show you some which show the meaning.
Names of Many Origins
Names of Many Origins
Indian Names
* Drawing Lessons *
Do not follow these exactly. Follow the steps, but be sure to develop your own style instead of becoming a weak shadow of me! Everybody is stronger when they're themself.
1. A pencil
2. A rubber
3. A sheet of drawing paper
4. A drawing surface
Drawing Lesson #1:
When drawing a bunny the first thing you need to know is what a bunny is. A bunny is a baby rabbit. Then, you need a photo.

I love rabbits! I used to have one, called Pippin. Well, he wasn't mine, he belonged to the school I used to go to but he felt mine, and I even named him. I miss you Pippin!
Anyway, back to our drawing.
Stage A
Rabbits are famous for their long ears and twitchy noses. We'll start with the head, which includes both of these :b
Stage B
Now for his body.
Stage C
You're done! Just colour him in (optional) and add some scenery! (In this case, grass.)
And you're done! :)
Drawing Lesson #2:
This time, we won't be using a photo, as I looked at several different ones throughout the drawing. Just follow the steps ;)
1. Start by drawing the nose, mouth, ears, and basic lines as shown in the picture.
2. Now add the first shapes of the front paws, the chin, and the first lines of the eyes.
3. This is the most important stage this drawing! Add the facial features (and with it your cat's personality, mood, etc), as well as its back, paws, and the beginning of its tail.
4. Now finish the tail, ears, and add markings. You could colour yours in.
5. You're done!
Drawing Tips...
1. Do not, and I repeat do not, draw on lined paper. Even if you think you're only scribbling, for all you know that scribble could turn into a masterpiece, and you wouldn't want that to be on lined paper, would you?
2. It's quality of the drawing which matters much more than how realistic it is. Use your style.
3. If you can look at what you're drawing when you're drawing it (example: looking at a cat) then that's good, but if your model is an animal it may be better to draw looking at a photo or wait until it goes to sleep. My cats always try to catch the end of my pencil when I'm drawing them! >:(
4. When drawing from a photo, use the photo to see the proportions are right and you've got this-and-that the right shape, but do not copy what's in the photo. The same counts for someone else's drawing.
1. Do not, and I repeat do not, draw on lined paper. Even if you think you're only scribbling, for all you know that scribble could turn into a masterpiece, and you wouldn't want that to be on lined paper, would you?
2. It's quality of the drawing which matters much more than how realistic it is. Use your style.
3. If you can look at what you're drawing when you're drawing it (example: looking at a cat) then that's good, but if your model is an animal it may be better to draw looking at a photo or wait until it goes to sleep. My cats always try to catch the end of my pencil when I'm drawing them! >:(
4. When drawing from a photo, use the photo to see the proportions are right and you've got this-and-that the right shape, but do not copy what's in the photo. The same counts for someone else's drawing.
Digital Art
Here are some free programs and websites good for drawing and making graphics on the computer on the computer.
Chicken Smoothie Oekaki
A website for drawing only. You cannot make graphics with it, but it's wonderful for drawing and has lots of tools.
deviantART Muro
A good website for drawing AND making graphics!
Download GIMP
A great program for drawing and making graphics! Is a little confusing, but once you get the hang of it is really very good.
I hope that was helpful! More soon! :D Do you have any suggestions for this page? ;)
Thank you, this really inspired me to draw and write in new spectacular ways that will make people more interested with my art and books!
ReplyDeleteNeato, Phili! XD
ReplyDelete@Foressa Eveleen - Thank you! I'm glad. :D
Delete@Amelia - Thanks! ;) But I had to change my pen-name to Dawn...annoyingly. >.<
Me and you are very alike in our drawings! But I'm not good with names.. My main character is named Dax, he is a Bat-Eared Fox. But I also have a girl that is very bad girl and does not want to show she likes Dax. I need a name for her. Got any ideas?
ReplyDeleteCool! ^.^
DeleteHmmm...maybe Chep?
DeleteTry using a baby names website, you can find intriguing names there.
Could you also include a computer drawing tutorial? I think it would help others.
DeleteUsing the name Feldunim and the name Flororcana, except I am editing Flororcana into just Florcana XD Thanks!
ReplyDeleteNice names. Do you have a story blog...?
DeleteOooh, just noticed the new mouse!
ReplyDeleteWell, new pegasus XD
It's peevishly cute :3
'Hello.' Jane waved her hands.
ReplyDeleteXDD Why's she waving her hands? O.O
Because she is using a foreign greeting... or attracting the attention of a lifeboat? O.o
DeleteYou put: Bob's drawing was excellent. Bill's was also brilliant.
ReplyDeleteI think it would be better if it was: Bob and Bill's drawings were both brilliant/excellent.
Or: Bob's drawing was excellent, as was Bill's.
Idk ;3
Paws is trying to puncture the roof of her mouth on a pencil.
Nuuu, Paws! O.O
DeleteMy pet doesn't put anything into his mouth that doesn't smell appealing, which includes bland rice, breakfast cereal, ect.
He is quite funny. XD
Thanks for all of the tips! :)
ReplyDeleteNice bunny... :P
ReplyDeleteAdding to the next comment...
ReplyDeleteI always draw my rabbits with very long, fluffy fur and twitchy whiskers.
You should do a tutorial on how to draw a Pegasus/horse. O.O
DeleteI tried to do a horse drawing tutorial a while ago, but it turned out not great so I decided I need more practice. Horses are really hard to least, their legs are.
I've tried to draw horses before, but I can never get the mane quite right... :P
DeleteFancy work you've done here!
ReplyDeleteIndeed. Especially the fuzzy rabbit! :3
DeleteI love writing stories, yesterday I filled a whole page with ideas :D
ReplyDeleteI love writing, too! O.O
DeleteI keep a thick journal... :P
Today- I found out I have STRAIGHT A'S!!
ReplyDeleteMaybe I should make a tips page on my blog XDDD
Wow, cool! XD
DeleteI love A's, because they make you feel like you have a job well done...
I like the "how to draw a bunny"
ReplyDeleteYes, its much better than MY bunnies!
DeleteAnimal Jam bunnies need whiskers...
DeleteI tent to over-use commas and make run on sentences. It's hard for me cause I just keep going and can't ever stop disscussing my topic XD
ReplyDeleteI think that I am responding to every one of your comments. O.o
DeleteI like to respond.
I tend to over-punctuate, too, at times!
They ate, swam, laughed, and, Jane and Dick, ate pizza.
DeleteI know that that is not grammatically correct. :P
DeleteFinding names for charicters is like the hardest challenge when rough drafting :P
ReplyDeleteIndeed. I always give my characters really complicated names, and when someone tries to read my story, they're like: ?
DeleteI love making up character names, but I've learned that they cannot be TOO complicated.
ReplyDeleteYou should give a tutorial on photography...
ReplyDeleteHa, I love photography but I stink at it xDDD
DeleteI love photography too! XD
DeleteI don't know if I 'stink' at it...
DeleteMaybe with pictures of cats?
ReplyDeleteOh, wait! O.O
ReplyDeleteYou should give a tutorial on how to keep a journal!
Yeah, I'd need this.
DeleteI have a journal, so any tips would be helpful. :3
DeleteI don't know if my journaling needs more 'flair..'
DeleteAnd maybe a tutorial on blogging....?
ReplyDeleteWell, you probably get my point. :P
ReplyDeleteYou are really good at tutorials!
Hahaha yeah she is!
DeleteAgain, so redundant of me! XD
I hope that the comments I've posted have been thoughtful and not just rambling nonsense.
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way XP
DeleteIt can be tricky to think of what to comment at times...
DeleteI think you should add something for like study tips, aparently I have good study methods cause I"ve gotten A's on all 3 tests the past two days XD
ReplyDeleteWow. O.O
DeleteGetting A's is such a happy feeling! Especially if the A's are 100 percents!
Ya!! We have to get 94% for an A, and I have one at 93.77 but it's listed as an A :D
DeleteWow, cool! Well, I guess you round up...
DeleteAlso, you can begin a story like this (at least I do it sometimes)
ReplyDeleteAnna screamed in terror at the frightening sight. An hour earlier, (now introduce the story a little bit), now Anna was here. Staring at the zombie.
Introducing charecters is hard because you can't do it all at once, you know what I mean? Anyways..
I know right!
DeleteWanna know whats fun when writing a story? Onamonapia!!
ReplyDeleteOnamonapia is when you use words like, "POW!" "Buzzz" so it's practically a word that sounds like it's own sound!
They are soooo fun to use
I know! Even the word 'onamonapia' is fun to say! ^.^
It reminds me of pizza....
DeleteThat makes me hungry. :P
Pizza!? It reminds me of comic books all like, "POW!!!!"
DeletePia= Pizza. :P
That's all that my brain can process at the moment. :P
DeleteI'm writing a story with cats in it and i need some names :3 any ideas?
ReplyDeleteOh, erm... I already commented on that. Look below!
DeleteHmm, Rocky Claw, if the cats name their kittens and aren't named by humans, then names which describe their physical characteristics would be good - like Autumn for a tortoiseshell with an autumn-coloured coat, or Midnight for a black cat, or Misty for a grey one.
DeleteBut if the cats are housecats, then they would have names which people typically give to their pet cats, such as Thomas or Marmalade.
I hope this helps! :)
I'm writing a story with cats in it any ideas:3
ReplyDeleteUmm... maybe name one of the cats Sierra or Marigold? :P
DeleteYou should make it not TOO dramatic, because that would be a bit boring
DeleteMy names are dramatic? Is that even possible?
DeleteOr are you talking about the story itself?
Probably the second. :)
DeleteMaybe the first.
Oh noo non on o o. I'm just saying sometimes people in like cat story tend to get a little dramatic.
'What's your favourite colour?' said John.
ReplyDeleteYou should add 'queried' to the list. :3
Nice! queried is a fanced word.
Delete'Help!' yelled Peter.
ReplyDeleteHe could also shriek, or cry, or exclaim...
I always think of shouted or exclaimed. I need more ideas :P
DeleteI cannot think of any more at the moment.
DeleteThe choices of wording in the English language can be so limited! >.<
DeleteYeah.. espessially with like such a blank moment :P
DeleteSometimes, my mind just goes like a blank sheet of paper.
Especially when I am tired...
Delete"Sammy tiptoed into the forest when she heard a SNAP!"
ReplyDeleteI like to begin stories like THAT.
Sammy-who? :P
DeleteI begin stories with a description-
Marissa tucked the glossy stone into her deep jacket pocket, her eyes veiled beneath a fringe of hair.
I wrote that a while ago.
DeleteI only realize now that it is not very good...
DeleteI'm so running out of places to comment! But I'm staying on topic
Sorry about those comments up there , I wasn't able to log on
ReplyDeleteSometimes I get logged out of my account and the computer won't let me log on...
DeleteThat's never happened to me O_O
DeleteIt is sooo annoying!
Almost as annoying as stale toast...