Hello! I decided to make one big page with all my creations on, to save on page space. ;) You can criticise my creations, but please be helpful and not rude! ;)
The WordArts on this page (the headings for Writing, Drawings, and Other Creations) were made at CoolText.
The WordArts on this page (the headings for Writing, Drawings, and Other Creations) were made at CoolText.

Here is some of my writing! This is where you will see mostly short stories, but maybe a few novelettes as well, and extracts of longer stories of mine, and also poetry and essays! ^.^ I hope you enjoy reading them! :)
Cloud's Adventure
A short story, written from the point of view of a made-up kitten of about one month named Cloud ^.^
There I was, on the sofa, just dozing off, when Lucy, the human-girl who lived their came over to me and picked me up.
‘Come on, Cloud,’ she smiled. ‘I have to do some writing, so I’m going into the garden to do it there and you can come with me.’
Thus she took me outside. It was rather a narrow squeak, I mean – she almost dropped me. But luckily it was the large book she was going to use as a board to write on which got dropped and it didn’t mind. She (Lucy – not the book, I think it was a he anyway) went back for the book and left me on the grass with the thingamajigs she called pencils and paper. I didn’t get a chance to go out much so it was a great chance to look around the great world. In fact, I was amazed at how big it was. All the way over to those hills in the distance! I wondered what was on the other side of the hills – thin air, perhaps. Or maybe that horrid place they call a vet is over there. Probably. I wasn’t going over there, anyway! It would be a better idea to explore nearer to home anyway, other wise I might not get home in time for supper.
At that moment Lucy came back with her book and sat down. She picked up her pencil and paper and began to write. Meanwhile, I was having the time of my life. I scampered through the grass, jumped up at a butterfly and generally enjoyed myself. I went into a funny place with walls and ceiling of branches and leaves.
Lucy looked up and laughed. ‘Oh, Cloud, you look so perplexed! That’s just a bush, silly!’
Every now and then she would look up to make sure I was ok. But, once she was deep in illustrating her writing, I crept off. Creep, creep, creep. I crossed the path, walked under the swing, hissed at Snowflake, hissed at Fluffy, ran off, chased a beetle and ran off again. Then I heard Lucy’s voice.
‘Cloud! CLOUD! CLOUD! Where are you?’
I didn’t go back to her. Catch me! Why, I was having such a good time. I’d hissed at two adult cats already! I darted on and found myself in another of those funny leafy places Lucy called bushes. This one had a tree growing out of it. I began to climb up; the view must have been nice up there. I found myself on a branch, and stared in awe at the land spreading out in front of me. Then I realised something – I was stuck. Oh no. There was only one more thing to do. And what was that, you ask yourself? Hop onto one of the strands of cloud that were floating past, of course! They were bound to take me somewhere. I jumped on. The cloud felt nice – almost like the beanbag inside the house. It floated off on the breeze, and I snuggled down and snoozed off.
When I awoke I felt distinctly cold, which was strange because this was meant to be the hottest season of them all – summer, humans called it. What was the matter with this place? I shivered and ruffled out my angora black and white fur. I guess that place was pretty, even if it was cold. It was all white, and there were funny things – black and white like me – that looked like birds but walked like humans. The ground felt smooth, and frozen, as I hopped off my cloud. How interesting! I rushed off, quite forgetting my coldness. I didn’t go near the weird bird things, but across the ice.
Crack, frazzle, snap!
The ground snapped! I fell down into the freezingest (I don’t know if that’s a word in human dictionary?) water ever. It was deep, too. I was just about to start sinking when I noticed my cloud just above me! I stuck out my paw, my claw got stuck in it and by that it pulled me out! How lucky! The second narrow squeak of the day! I shivered and the cloud wrapped itself around me. I was soon asleep, of course!
I next awoke and found myself looking down on sand – just sand. Nothing else. Ooh, thought I, a desert! How exciting! I had no sooner jumped down from the cloud when suddenly it struck me – hadn’t I better keep the cloud pinned down for when I wanted to go home? Luckily it was just in reach, so put up my paws and grabbed it. Down in went. I pushed a stone on top of it to keep it down and headed off. The sand was funny and tickled my feet. The sun was scorching, but I didn’t really care; it made a nice change from that freezing cold place before, and I was soon dry. What really sent me back to my cloud was when a small foxy thing (why did I say small?! It was at least double Mummy’s size) came over to me and snarled.
‘Mew!’ I cried, and dashed off full-speed. The thing – I later discovered it must have been a fennec fox – rushed after me. It must have wanted me for its lunch. I jumped onto my cloud, pushed the stone away with a trembling nose, and cried ‘Go, cloud! Go! It’s going to eat me!’
The cloud must have understood because the fox was soon a small dot below us. I gave a sigh of relief. That had been the third narrow squeak of the day. What do you think I did next? Fall asleep of course.
I awoke with a yawn. What a peculiar dream that had been! Now, how to get down from the tree? Jump, I supposed. Rather a long way down though. Well, I guess, it had been me who survived the ice and the fennec fox, so why shouldn't I survive this? So, taking a deep breath, I jumped. Phew!
There was the sound of running feet and Lucy appeared. ‘Cloud!’ she cried. ‘I’ve got you, pussy, I was so worried!’
She picked me up and took me back inside. My, it was good to be home again! Not that I'd been anywhere. But, if that was the case, what was all that sand on my feet? A mystery...
The True Story of Arbari and Usee
Arbari flew over to his mate, Usee, and they kissed, for these were two lovebirds. They lived in beautiful flowery garden in high Kenya, East Africa. One day when they were happily flying around a hibiscus bush with their friends the sunbirds, a man with a net came over. Whoosh, plonk, whoosh, plonk!
And the two lovebirds were trapped! They stared at each other in horror. The man carefully transferred them from the net into a small cage, where there was no room for them to fly at all, and got in a car to drive to Nairobi, the capital.
The drive lasted over two hours, during which the two lovebirds talked to each other about what had happened.
'Isn't this awful?' gasped Usee.
'Yes,' Arbari nodded his brightly coloured head dolefully. 'I wonder what will happen to us now.'
'So do I, oh, I do!' exclaimed his mate.
Eventually the two birds became silent, and did nothing at all for the rest of the journey. Suddenly the car stopped with a jolt and the man took the cage outside into a dusty car-park. The man made his way to the road and stopped by the road where there was always a traffic jam, for while the cars where stopped in the jam, tradesmen would go from car to car, selling clothes, crafts, fruit, maps, and even puppies and parrots like these two lovebirds.
After two days of the man waving the cage around yelling 'Beautiful multi-coloured lovebirds! Beautiful lovebirds! Come and buy!' a white woman came over and asked 'How much are they?'
'1500 Kenya Shillings,' began the man. For the benefit of the readers at home, 1500 Kenya Shillings is about 15 Dollars, and less than 15 GB Pounds.
'No, 1000.'
'Oh, all right, 1000! Here,' he handed her the lovebirds in their small cage. The two birds looked at the woman nervously.
'Thank you, and you really shouldn't have captured them, they should be free,' she took the cage and hurried back off to a shopping centre, cutting her finger on the sharp wire of the cage as she went.
In the shopping centre she came over to a man and two daughters, aged about eleven and eight.
'Lovebirds!' she called, brandishing the cage triumphantly.
The elder of the two girls rushed over, her sister after her.
'We're going to let them free,' explained their mother. 'But we'll keep them for a few days.'
'Yippee!' cried the children.
The family got in a taxi and drove to the guesthouse where they were staying.
'Where will we let them go, Mary?' the man asked his wife.
'I was thinking maybe the arboretum,' Mary answered.
'And we'll call them Arbari and...' began the eight year old.
'Usee,' finished her sister.
Her sister giggled. Usee was one of their secret code languages.
They took the two lovebirds outside into the guesthouse's garden and put them under a table upon which they were doing their schoolwork.
This went on for several long days. Arbari and Usee were unhappy and bored. Then one day they were put in a car, and driven off.
'I wonder where they're taking us now,' said Usee uneasily.
The drive was no longer (and no shorter, from the pessimistic point of view) than half an hour. The car stopped in the woody area near Nairobi's suburb Karen. The family of humans got out of the car and set the cage by the roadside. Mr. Human was about to open the cage when his wife stopped him:
'No!' she hissed. 'There are people about - they might come over and catch them again once we've let them free. We have to wait.'
So they waited several minutes and then the door was opened. Arbari noticed first, opened his beautiful wings, and flew out. Usee followed him into freedom, and they lived happily ever after in peace.
What Makes a Fluffit Fluffy
A fluffit is creative, imaginative, and artistic,
As well as natural, so not into lipstick!
Fluffits talk a comfortable amount of nonsense,
And one of their favourite places to sit is upon the fence!
Fluffits like to curl up by the fire,
And love to create and inspire!
So that is a fluffit,
Are you one?
I certainly hope it,
It'll be so much fun!
I hope you enjoyed! More soon! :)

This is where I am going to post some of my drawings! They're not that good - I'm still working on my art a lot, but you can still look at them, and tell me what you think! Click them to enlarge and see clearer. Please bear in mind that all these drawings are from a while back.
A cat...
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Drawn: February 2013 |
Two more cats...
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Drawn: February 2013 |
Another cat! :D
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Drawn: February 2013 |
A moose...
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Drawn: December 2013 |
A horse rearing!
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Drawn: February 2013 |
My pussycat, Humbug (also known as Bumbleberry).
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Drawn: January 2013 |
A fox leaping.
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Drawn: November 2012 |
A dragon.
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Drawn: November 2012 |
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Drawn: November 2012 |
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Drawn: November 2012 |
This one features Fern and Hawkeye, characters out of my story, Fern's Quest.
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Drawn: November 2012 |
A fox named Fern.
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Drawn: October 2012 |
A hare, reading in the woodlands.
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Drawn: October 2012 |
A fox kit.
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Drawn: October 2012 |
And a lightning scene.
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Drawn: October 2012 |
A buck deer.
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Drawn: September 2012 |
A wolf.
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Drawn: September 2012 |
Two foxes:
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Drawn: September 2012 |
The top one is Hawkeye and the one below is Fern. Please do not copy these characters.
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Drawn: September 2012 |
An owl.
Drawn: September 2012 |
A Klassmere's Spined Dragon:
Drawn: August 2012 |
My sister invented the dragon species!
A pegasus foal.
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Drawn: June 2012 |
And a wolf. Not very good.
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Drawn: July 2012 |
I did this last year, and it was one of my first wolf drawings.
It's a polar fox in his winter coat, that's why he's so fluffy! (His name's Lune, and he's a character in my story.)
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Drawn: September 2012 |
Thanks for looking, and thanks in advance for commenting! Hint, hint! :)

MisterChunkybuddy cleverly guessed that I made a mobile, from a picture that Fauna/Kinyonga posted for me :3

Aubrey read my mind and discovered that I was going to post some sculptures and pressed flowers in a bit! Well, here are some leaves I pressed and turned into cards!

More creations coming soon!
Awesome!! I really like the owl drawing, the horse drawings, the for drawing, and Cloud's Adventure!! I hope to see more!! I wonder what the other creations will be..hmm.....
ReplyDeleteThank you! :D
DeleteI'll post the Other Creations when I've taken photos of them...and until then it remains a mystery...XD
Are they plasticine sculptures? XD
DeleteI like your writing, although the art needs a bit more work, no offense.
ReplyDeleteThank you! :D
DeleteI'm not offended at all, although I don't think "work" is the right word, as I spend ages everyday doing that...maybe improvement? :)
No offence can be very offensive, because it means you are putting forth offence and you know it but you do not want the other person to be offended by it, thus why do you say it at all?
DeleteAwkward of me to say, no offence just bugs me a lot from personal experience... >//<
Yes, I've noticed that too.
DeleteI know. :P
DeleteWhy would you say "no offense" unless you've just said something offensive? Is it supposed to take away the offense? O.o
Hehe, I've overused the word "offense"...
Yeah, once somebody was like, "Your handwriting is bad. No offense"
DeleteI can agree to that wholeheartedly!
Hi! It's me, shadowphase again! I like your writing, as I like to write some stories also.
ReplyDeleteYou're art of animals is plenty better than my own... I am an 'OK' artist at landscapes and abstract artwork. I'm not the best drawer of animals.
(BTW, I can see the whole thing going on about 'no offense', but at least it wasn't a bad insult, just a suggestion... I get annoyed when people say that to me too, like when they call me names oher than my own lol)
Thanks! :D I'm sure your drawings are great too!
DeletePeople are so down on themselves today!
DeleteXD including meeeeeeee
Including youuuuu?
DeleteWhy can't everyone be happy! :P
They is awesome :3
ReplyDeleteBtw, I can smell cat pee.
Not a good sign.
Eeew, yesterday I smelled dog poop. What do you know? My dog POOPED. in my ROOM.
DeleteOh dear! My pet... can't say what he is... never does that. Hmm.
DeleteLol. All animals does that. XD
DeleteMy cats are kind of trained and they go outdoors and do those stuff. XD
Try training your Cats by giving them extra stuff to eat if they listen to you. :)
Btw, they is awesome or they are awesome? XD
I love them all! :)
ReplyDeleteMe too! They're so good
DeleteIndeed! I couldn't choose a favorite... XD
DeleteI love the drawings, but my favorite was the poem about Fluffits. :3
ReplyDeleteI had no clue what a Fluffit was until I read it! :P
Wow! Cloud's Adventure is an amazing short story! :D I love cats so i think that made me love it more! XD
Me, also. Cloud was such a cute little kitty! :3
DeleteAlllll so good!! I wish I was that good!
ReplyDeleteI can't draw, but I think I can write pretty decently..
ReplyDeleteYou do!
DeleteI read the Animal Jam Non Member! :P
My drawings are... eh....
DeleteEspecially my cat drawings. Their ears always look lopsided.
DeleteYou write so well!
ReplyDeletelol I'm not as good as you
Fluffits are amazing
DeleteSo are fluzzies, don't forget...
Just joking. :)
DeleteBut really, that should be a word.
YEah... it really should. I say we make a world record on this blog for something AWESOME
DeleteYes, it should! :P
DeleteCan I be a fluffit? O.O
ReplyDeleteHa I wanna be one too!
DeleteIndeed! XD
DeleteFluffits are so... fluffy!
Fluffits are fluffy
DeleteViolets are purple.
Aren't Valentine's poems terrible? XD
Did you enjoy my "lovely" poem?
Delete"Lovely" in quotes! XD
DeleteHow did you make the lightning scene?
ReplyDeleteNo one will know.. O_O
DeleteIt looks kind of animated. :3
ReplyDeleteVery pawsome.